You can purchase a copy of our commemorative cookbook for only $20.00 each. See below for more details.
Lina McDonald, Gift Shop Manager; Ana Guzman, International Distributors Inc; Christine Calvo, GMHVA President; Dorothy Borlas, Asst Gift Shop Manager.
Dorothy Borlas, Asst Gift Shop Mgr; Lina McDonald, Gift Shop Mgr; Leonard Calvo, President, Calvo Enterprises; Christine Calvo, GMHVA President.
Del Estampadora, Island Equipment Acctg Manager; Lina McDonald GMHVA Gift Shop Mgr; Selina Ashland, Island Equipment General Manager; Christine Calvo, GMHVA President; Bing Mejia, Island Equipment Sales Consultant; Dorothy Borlas, GMHVA Asst Gift Shop Mgr; Robert Tamondong, Island Equipment Acctg Administrator.
Lina McDonald, GMHVA Gift Shop Manager; Christine Calvo, GMHVA President; Mark Sablan, SPPC Vice President Business Development; Dorothy Borlas GMHVA Gift Shop Asst Manager.
Dorothy Borlas, GMHVA Gift Shop Asst Manager; Joaquin Cook, Bank of Guam President and CEO; Christine Calvo, GMHVA President; Lina McDonald, GMHVA Gift Shop Manager.
Dorathina Herrero of UOG’s MARC accepting cookbook on behalf of UOG College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CNAS). CNAS contributed to the cookbook’s “Helpful Hints” section. Picture above are Dorothy Borlas, GMHVA Gift Shop Asst Mgr; Lina McDonald, Gift Shop Manager; Dorathina Herrero, UOG; and Christine Calvo GMHVA President.
GMHVA presents a copy of their commemorative cookbook to First Gentleman and GMHVA Honorary President, Jeffrey Cook.
Pictured above are Dorothy Borlas Asst Gift Shop Manager; Lina McDonald Gift Shop Manager; First Gentleman Jeffrey Cook; and Christine Calvo, GMHVA President.
Cookbook presentation to our sponsors pictured below:

Lina McDonald, Gift Shop Manager; Ana Guzman, International Distributors Inc; Christine Calvo, GMHVA President; Dorothy Borlas, Asst Gift Shop Manager.
Dorothy Borlas, Asst Gift Shop Mgr; Lina McDonald, Gift Shop Mgr; Leonard Calvo, President, Calvo Enterprises; Christine Calvo, GMHVA President.
Del Estampadora, Island Equipment Acctg Manager; Lina McDonald GMHVA Gift Shop Mgr; Selina Ashland, Island Equipment General Manager; Christine Calvo, GMHVA President; Bing Mejia, Island Equipment Sales Consultant; Dorothy Borlas, GMHVA Asst Gift Shop Mgr; Robert Tamondong, Island Equipment Acctg Administrator.
Lina McDonald, GMHVA Gift Shop Manager; Christine Calvo, GMHVA President; Mark Sablan, SPPC Vice President Business Development; Dorothy Borlas GMHVA Gift Shop Asst Manager.
Dorothy Borlas, GMHVA Gift Shop Asst Manager; Joaquin Cook, Bank of Guam President and CEO; Christine Calvo, GMHVA President; Lina McDonald, GMHVA Gift Shop Manager.
Dorathina Herrero of UOG’s MARC accepting cookbook on behalf of UOG College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CNAS). CNAS contributed to the cookbook’s “Helpful Hints” section. Picture above are Dorothy Borlas, GMHVA Gift Shop Asst Mgr; Lina McDonald, Gift Shop Manager; Dorathina Herrero, UOG; and Christine Calvo GMHVA President.
GMHVA presents a copy of their commemorative cookbook to First Gentleman and GMHVA Honorary President, Jeffrey Cook.
Pictured above are Dorothy Borlas Asst Gift Shop Manager; Lina McDonald Gift Shop Manager; First Gentleman Jeffrey Cook; and Christine Calvo, GMHVA President.